Thursday, July 3, 2014

In Finas Res: Sword of Armageddon...

It's taken me about a week to get through Mathews last installment in the New Kid trilogy: Sword of Armageddon. I'm not sure why it is taking me so long. The other two books in the series took me approximately 2-3 days to complete.

According to my Kindle, I have 93% of the book complete. This means I am reaching what I would consider the climax of the book, as well as the series' climax. Even though I recognize this, there is no force motivating me to finish the book. For example, I'm sitting here now, typing away ABOUT the text on my inability to produce inertia and finish the book rather than actually doing so. The connection I once felt for this book, that connection that propelled me to continue reading even after reading those negative reviews about Mathews writing style and the book's endorsement of provincial cliches, has been subdued by indolence and distraction: i'd rather do nothing than finish this text; i'd prefer to do anything else rather than sit down and read what I am anticipating to be a prolonged disappointment.

Am I getting tired of Mathew's writing style?

Has the illustrious New Kid, low-key demon hunter, Will Hunter, become boring and predictable?

I guess you'll find out in my upcoming review!

P.S. Please forgive my Latin!