Friday, June 27, 2014


The Sword of Armageddon (The New Kid) by Temple Mathews. 

I'm moving in for the home stretch! I am now starting the final installment of the New Kid trilogy. A collective review will follow my completion of this series.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

father's neglect

check out my poetic (re)form in my peom "father's neglect!" more revisions to come!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Ode to Imagery and Form

Currently Inspired by:
Evie Shockley's The New Black

Imagery! Imagery! Imagery!

I scream these words at myself constantly whenever I review my creative work. Imagery is one of the most rudimentary elements of literary form. However, my creative writing endeavors have been lacking greatly in this department. My focus, when writing, tends to gravitate towards diction and its manipulation: utilizing wordplay, irony, and allegory in order to convey and negotiate particular thematic stances.

Form! Form! Form!

To be a radical and noteworthy force within the poetic community, one must take a number of liberties when creating their poetic form and style (poetic signature). Readers of poetry have increasingly become more fascinated with the mutation of classical form through the development of modern modalities and interventions, as well as contemporary formal aspirations. However, similar to imagery, I seem to continually overlook form.

Therefore, I shall be dedicating this summer to the exploration of creative license: 
my creative license
A goal of mine shall be to create a number new 
pieces, or work on revisions of old works, which will reflect my 
attempts at intervening in my own creative stagnancy. 
I wish to ensure that my form and tropes reflects the historical, 
social, and political context and content of my work. 
I wish for my rhetoric to be considered worthy.
Part of this 
will include doing lengthy research on the multitude of forms that 
currently exist and how writers use them; 
on the other                                                                          hand, 
this process 
will also require me to experiment with                                                                                       fo-

individualized way. 
(poetic) stanzaic reform
allowing me 
to mirror what i see,
to digest it
--test it,
convert it,
 transform it.

(poetic) stanzaic reform! (poetic) stanzaic reform! 
(poetic) stanzaic reform! (poetic) stanzaic reform! 

I will either work on a new piece or a revision everyday. 

INTRINSICALLY, I simply am endeavoring to 


overt obstinacy,  

the most difficult challenge I've faced 
as a literary artist. My triumph shall considerably 
improve my work, as well as my understanding 
of the creative writing process. I am confident 
that once this is achieved, regardless of the esteem 
that my writing does/does not evoke, I will consider 
myself a successful creative righter. 

These are my artistic shortcomings.
Lets see how this goes!